Carroll's Sausage

Caroll’s Sausage and Country Store

Ashburn, Georgia

This was a stop just to break the travel up, and see if we could actually get a good overnight spot for just $45 (which included a $10 off coupon).

Pulling in was weird… the entrance just didn’t seem right… of the highway, turn left… keep going then left thru the big gate… then to the front of the store… then thru the big gate to the RV park….

But, we managed and all was good. The spots were pretty level, and the hookups complete. Once settled in we made our way to the store – completed check in and got our coupon…. and then the spending began!

They got this figured out – give them $10 and they will spend. And boy did we. Over $100 in “goods”. I challenge anyone to not find something to spend money on here. Sausage, jamss, soups, sandwhiches, cheese and more. The list is near endless.

And worse than that – we went back the next morning and spent even more!

Worth a stop – especially of you need a place to rest.

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