Cuyahoga Valley National Park – located near Cleveland and Akron Ohio is a gem!
Our visit started with a drive from the campground to the Boston Mill Visitor Center. There we learned about the train ride, nearby hiking and other info. There were a number of park rangers on hand and everyone was friendly and welcoming.
After pondering a hike just across the street to a spring fed water fall (but some steep steps), we decided to drive out to Brandywine Falls. A short 15 minute drive thru some beautiful countryside brought us to a small (apparently it gets very busy) parking area. We grabbed a spot and headed towards the well marked trail (there is more than one, so head to the right to go to the falls).
As we headed down the boardwalk we reached an intersection that was unmarked. On a whim we headed left and down the stairs. Glad we did – as that is how you get to the falls.
The falls were very small due to low rain and the season, but still well worth the walk. Be weary of all the steps if you have knee concerns – as you have to come back the same way…

After seeing the falls we headed back and at the intersection we decided to go left and see what was there. We ended up alongside an old building and learned more about the history of the town that was once here. As we walked on we came out to a well paved bike trail with a sign board.
As we pondered where we were by studying the map on the board, a voice spoke – “Can I help?” We both turned around to see another park ranger ready to give more info!
We shared that we were wondering how to get back to the parking lot and she said we could go back on the boardwalk, or just up the incline of the bike trail. We chose the easier one (the bike trail). A few minutes later we were standing at our car ready to head back to the store we passed right by the visitor center with a sign “Fresh Ice Cream”…